"سانچہ:Ucfirstletter/doc" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

ویکی‌وحدت سے
(←‏Examples: compare)
م (1 نسخہ درآمد کیا گیا)
(کوئی فرق نہیں)

حالیہ نسخہ بمطابق 05:57، 4 دسمبر 2022ء


Converts the first ASCII letter character of a string to uppercase. This behavior is different from the magic word ucfirst, which affects the first character of a string regardless of whether it is a letter or not.


{{ucfirstletter|test}} → Test

{{ucfirstletter|(test)}} → (Test)

{{ucfirstletter|6th century}} → 6Th century

(compare to {{ucfirst:6th century}} → 6th century)

See also